Troop 161 Committee Meeting
Date: 10/16/07
Time: 7:30pm
Dan Murphy
Lori Collett
Wayne Ballasso
Clayton Smith
Robyn Hendrix
Joey Vaughn
Gary Dickinson
Treasury Report
The first item of discussion was Summer Camp 2008. There were no definite commitments except
that Randy Hendrix was the only adult so far able to make this commitment. The concern was there may not be enough adult
leadership to go to
The next item discussed was the 60th Anniversary celebration at the Church on November 11th. The following are going to be available for purchase:
72 mugs
24 Hats
The committee voted all in favor for the number of items to be ordered. The information will be sent to Clayton so that he can include the logo design for each of these itmes.
It was also voted all in favor to order neon green shirts with a big logo on the back and a little version of this same one on the front of the t-shirts. These shirts will be available for the troop to purchase. The same quantity will be ordered as that of the summer camp order.
There was a question if the church is going to receive a plaque as a thank you token.
The next item(s) of discussion was the troop by laws. Everyone present received a rough draft of the troop’s by laws and any changes, additions, deletions, etc., will be discussed at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 8:30 pm