Troop 161 Committee Meeting
Date: 3/13/2007
Time: 7:30pm
Dan Murphy
Lori Collette
Robert Collette
Laurie Ballasso
Wayne Ballasso
Randy Hendrix
Robyn Hendrix
Treasury Report
Balance last month $ 1997.95
Deposits 808.32
Balance as of 3/13/07 . 2436.27
Outstanding checks 845.00-Summer Camp dues
Actual Ending Balance $1899.27
The meeting started off with a guest from the Cub Scout Pack 161 Ben Carder, cub master wanted to plan an outing to include the Troop and the Pack. His primary goal for this would be to keep the Cub Scouts interested in scouting. .He suggested the YMCA climbing wall. They have a program where a lock in. The cost would be around $10.00 per scout. Some of the concerns were the adult leaders present. Currently it is required that 2 senior leaders would be present at all times for every 10 Boy Scouts. The tentative schedule for this event would be sometime after May when school is out. . There is a canoe trip scheduled at Juniper Springs on May 26th. The committee agreed to present this outing to the troops. There will be a sign up sheet for the scouts who would be interested in this event. Once we have a count of the scouts interested in this, we would then present this to the senior patrol leaders for arrangements and planning.
Summer Camp 2007 update
The new due date for the summer camp health forms is April 10th. Joey Vaughn will coordinate with his wife so that she can notarize these forms on this day.
T-shirts are still being considered for the summer camp trip. Laurie Ballasso has agreed to look into possibly having these shirts donated.
The whitewater rafting trip scheduled for the adult leaders will cost $28.00. It was mentioned that the scouts do not get credit if they are not on time for the classes they signed up for. It was also noted that if they missed any classes on Thursday, they would have to make this up on Friday in order to get credit.
Jack Rasmussen has volunteered assist in the Family Life merit badge as a counselor. This is a required badge for Eagle and there is a book available. All scouts are encouraged to get this book.
Camping is scheduled for March 31st at
The next item up for discussion was Southside Christian Church wanted to have the scouts cook and serve dinner for the church members. They did not mention if there would be collection plate for donations to the scouting program that the church sponsors. The committee suggested that it would be a perfect opportunity to solicit the scouting programs as well as for the church to solicit membership. The committee has agreed to check with the church secretary and coordinate this dinner.