Troop 161 Committee Meeting notes

Date: 11/28/2006

Time: 7:15pm


Wayne Ballasso

Laurie Ballasso

Lori Collett

Dan Murphy

Joseph Vaughn

Gary Dickinson

Clayton Smith

Pete Sheller

Robyn Hendrix

There will be no committee meeting in December.

The first item of discussion was the review of the Charter. The renewals are going to be earlier for next year’s charter than previous years. We have to make sure we have a current listing of the names for our charter.

The yearly fee for the charter is $10.00. In addition to this, the cost of insurance for each adult is $1.66. The dues for the charter would be $11.66 instead of the $10.00 which has been set aside from previous years. It was decided that the troop needs to update the list to determine exactly how many scouts are currently in the troop.


The next item discussed was the attendance requirements for achieving a rank. It was voted all in favor to make the requirements for a board of review to include the Scout’s attendance. It is important for the scout to have a good attendance record and guidelines will be updated to include the acceptable attendance. The committee agree that it would be acceptable for a Scout to attend 80% of the troop meetings during a 6-month time period. This does not include the outings scheduled. Since the outings are an elective, it was decided that troop meetings only would be counted for the attendance record. These attendance guidelines are necessary and will be enforced, however, it will be important to review each circumstance. Therefore, any exceptions shall be submitted and reviewed by the committee for extenuating circumstances.

Monthly/Yearly dues

The committee voted all in favor that the Scout will be up-to-date on his dues before being considered for a board review. There are exceptions such as financial hardship that would be reviewed if such cases are presented. However, the committee feels that the attendance and the dues should be an achievable goal for advancement.

In certain situations where the above requirements are not met, the Scout has the right to present the case to the committee. The committee would then decide if the situation would be an exception. The Scouts and their parents need to keep in mind also that there are scholarships and funding available to those needing help.

The next item for discussion was the Cumberland Island Trip on Feb. 3rd and 4th 2007. As of now there are 17 slots available. The cost is $25.00 per person. The sign up sheets for the trip are available and we need a commitment by the first part of January. Sign up sheets are available up until the 16th of January. The camping is on a first come first serve basis. The people attending this camping trip need to remember that what is carried in is to be carried out. Please keep this in mind when packing for this trip. Also, the hiking distance is not a definite length. It could be anywhere from 3.5 to 8 miles. Please consider this and wear comfortable footwear. It is also recommended that the scouts bring extra socks and to pack a first aid kit that includes blister treatment. Transportation for this trip will be planned at the beginning of the New Year.

Next committee meeting will be 01/09/07.