Troop 161 Committee meeting minutes
Date: 10/17/2006
Roger DeHart
Pete Sheller
Laurie Ballasso
Lori Collette
Wayne Ballasso
Clayton Smith
B J Haire
Dan Murphy
Robyn Hendrix
Randy Hendrix
Scheduled Events:
October 28th-Fishing trip Huguenot Park 10980 Heckshire Drive.
One day trip
Scouts will need to bring a lunch
Adults tentatively scheduled to attend are:
Dan Murphy Randy Hendrix
Clayton Smith Gary Vaughn
Gary Dickinson Wayne Ballasso
Roger DeHart
February 3 and 4th-Hiking trip and overnight stay at Cumberland Island, Georgia
Cost is $25 per person which will include the ferry ride and a daily access fee plus an overnight camping fee. The scouts will need to be at the church and ready to leave at 7:00a.m. Saturday, Feb.3rd. They will be hiking and the distance of this hike will be known upon arrival. They will camp overnight and need to bring food for lunch Saturday, dinner for Saturday night, breakfast on Sunday, and lunch Sunday. They will leave on Sunday in the afternoon on the 4:45 ferry.
Summer 2007-Camp Rainey Mountain, Georgia
Sent deposit for reservation-tentatively scheduled for June 17th through June 23rd.
Agenda Items:
The first item for discussion was the dues and bookkeeping requirements. It was suggested that we have a more structured method of paying the dues. Some people prefer to pay monthly, while others will pay through for the whole year. The troop prefers to receive the payments in January for those who prefer to pay on a yearly basis to simplify the bookkeeping, however, this is not mandatory. Some Scouts prefer to pay monthly and that is normal.
The next item discussed was the elections. The elections were put off due to the Scoutmaster being absent. The tentative date is for the next meeting to hold elections. The committee wants the Scouts to be more actively involved in planning trips, holding the meetings, etc. Gary Dickinson and Wayne Ballasso will hold interview’s with the candidates for Senior Patrol and the Scribe which are the two most important titles.
Senior Patrol Leader must be on time for all meetings and it is preferred that he arrive early since the meeting is to be opened at 7:15 prompt. It is required of the Senior Patrol Leader to call the Scoutmaster every Monday night to discuss Tuesday’s meeting. He will have to use the SPL meeting planner and SPL handbook in order to keep track of a written plan for the troop and must stay on track. Also, the Senior Patrol Leader and his assistant’s will hold Patrol Leader Council meeting’s the third week of every month to discuss and plan future activities. This position will last for 6 months and the candidate must be 1st class. He must be a role model and have an excellent attendance record.
Scribe-must have excellent attendance records. Duties include keeping track of attendance, recording and collecting monthly dues (which he will turn over to the committee treasurer), keeping track of any upcoming events which include the costs of the events, who is going to attend, who has paid, etc.
The next item of discussion was the Board of Reviews. It was explained that the full Class A uniform is not required for Board of Review up to 2nd class. Just the Class A shirt is necessary and all of the required patches such as current rank, patrol, office (if any) and Council patch as well as the Troop number. The full Class A uniforms are required for all First Class and above Board of Reviews.
Treasurer’s notes:
Beginning balance $1558.61
Outstanding checks 559.80
Deposits 30.00
Ending balance $1028.81