Troop 161 Committee Meeting

Date:   2/13/07

Time:  7:30pm




            Dan Murphy

            Lori Colette

            Laurie Ballasso

            Wayne Bellasso

            Clayton Smith

            Randy Hendrix

            Robyn Hendrix

            Joey Vaughn

            Roger DeHart



Treasury Report

Balance last month        $ 1,179.41

            Deposits                                968.28

            Balance  as of 2/13/07    . 1.897.95


The meeting opened with the above report and indicates the deposit made was from the popcorn sales for both the Cub Scouts and the Troops of 161. There was an issue with a returned check for insufficient funds. There was no forwarding address for which to contact the responsible party.  It was decided to give this information to Joey Vaughn for resolution.


Southside Christian Church officials would like a schedule of the times used to hold Troop and Pack meetings. They also indicated that they would like information on the following items as well:

            The dates and times the church is used to hold all of the meetings

            Who is responsible for opening and closing

            What part of the church they need to hold these meetings

            A list of Emergency contacts for both the Cub scouts and Boy Scouts


2007 Summer Camp News and Updates


All health forms must be turned in no later than March 31st for all of the scouts who wish to attend this year’s summer camp in Camp Rainey Mountain, Georgia.  It was brought to everyone’s attention that all of the required forms should be linked to the website for accessibility.  These forms must be notarized.  It was suggested that Jamie Vaughn notarize these for the troops.  Information will be shared on a later date as to the date, time, and place this will occur.  It was decided that the parents of those scouts attending be at the next committee meeting which will be held on March 13th at 7:30pm. 


Other updates and agenda items


It was decided that a Troop outing will be planned monthly excluding summer camp month of June will be our new web address

Look for a calendar of events to be included on this website.


March 17th, Southside Christian Church, 3:00pm

Brian Colette Eagle Court of Honor held in the church sanctuary


The meeting was closed with the committee voting all in favor of CLAYTON SMITH LOSING 40lbs by June and that he is also responsible for bringing snacks to future meetings!  Just kidding.