Troop 161 Committee Meeting notes

Date: 1/16/2007

Time: 7:15pm


Wayne Ballasso

Laurie Ballasso

Lori Collett

Robert Collett

Dan Murphy

Joseph Vaughn

Gary Dickinson

Clayton Smith

Robyn Hendrix

Randy Hendrix

B. J. Haire

Roger DeHart

Jack Rasmussen

Orlando Gomez

Treasurer’s Report

December Balance 1132.41

Charter paid -586.00

Deposit +633.00

January Balance 1179.41

The meeting started off with the above treasury report. The next item up for discussion was the adult dues. It was shared that the adult dues were currently due. The amount of dues for adult members is $11.66 for one adult and $23.22 was due for two adults. Money was collected by the treasurer for some members and receipts were written to the individuals who paid.

It was mentioned the troop did not receive the bill from the T-shirt order for the scout camp at Camp Shands during the summer of ’06. The amount was $250.00 for the shirts ordered. It was suggested that the same shirts be ordered for this year’s summer camp. The shirts will be ordered earlier this year for summer camp.

Summer camp dues for Camp Rainey Mountain will cost $195.00 per scout and $100.00 for each adult leader that is going. The money for the scouts is due in installments and the first amount will be $65.00 which is due by February 1st. This trip is scheduled for June 17th through June 23rd 2007. The summer camp requires that courses and registrations be submitted by March 8th . The scouts can pre certify for the swim tests. The white water trip requires a signed waiver for each scout.

It was mentioned that a volunteer is needed for the Health Forms. Joey Vaughn and Randy Hendrix volunteered for this. It was discussed that a physical must be on file for each scout and that the physicals are valid for 3 years. Also noted was the parental consent forms required for this trip. These forms must be on file in order for the scout to attend the summer camp. Randy Hendrix has also volunteered to coordinate the local tour permits required for this trip since it will be less than 500 miles for the trip.

The next item discussed was the contact list for the scouts and adult leaders. The list needs to be updated and the current list was sent around to the adult members for any updates to their phone, addresses, email address, etc. This new information will be updated by Robyn Hendrix. Clayton Smith also informed the committee of changing the website that is currently used. It is going to be an address that will be easier to remember and simpler than the current address. He noted that the cost for this would be $9.95 per year. The committee agreed to this change and cost.

The meeting ended with information handed out regarding the troop’s by-laws and it was mentioned that these laws will be reviewed during the next committee meeting so that the information is updated with the new rules that were voted in.

The meeting closed at 8:15 with Robert Collett reminding everyone of the University of scouting classes to be held on January 27th 2007. He will email the troop with this information.